A True Friend
Never Judges,
Never Lies
And Takes
Your Secrets
To The Grave...
My Affection To U Forever IBRAR...!
You 're The M0st Beautiful Flower.... In My Garden Of Friendship... Remain The Same Flower...
Good M0rning!.
Good Evening! H0w r u? I Miss u
Be take u medi for ur head pain
Dont joke with me! I'm very sading very upseting my all work
Shut up u! U r crazy. I dont like u cry or live pain. Ok
Where is u wr0ng? N0. I'm wrong. My life have wrong only.
Where is u wr0ng? N0. I'm wrong. My life have wrong only.
No n0. I'm n0t always came to here...
I dont kn0w what I give answer for ur old msg. But I want u. So dont misunderstand me
Love is painful
Sometime beautiful
In any way need it for LIFE.
Can u understand these?
But I loving u. U r good pers0n
Dont angry with me ? My heart m0re m0re sicking
But but but
How I cheated u? ? What's the matter?