Love Flash by ScrapU<br /><br />" border="0"/> Love Flash by ScrapU<br /><br />" border="0"/> Love Flash by ScrapU<br /><br />" border="0"/> Love Flash by ScrapU<br /><br />" border="0"/> Love Flash by ScrapU<br /><br />" border="0"/>
hello sweet frd You can hear your name a million times But 0ne person makes it sound special. . . You can say a million names But There is one that is special. . . When you can't believe your eyes, you can always trust your heart. Love makes anything possible . You can miss someone who died , you can miss someone who moved away, but the worst is when you miss someone you see Everyday.urs sanjay
fine day, all of us will get busy with our lives.......... Long working hrs.........No chats................................... Even won’t have time 4 ourselves............................... On such a day, u'll look outside your window, and think of your friend sometime... How much u are missing them... I MISS U MY SWEET FRIEND ">" border="0"/>