lucas5724  guestbook (2) Sign guestbook

13 years ago
Hello my dear,
my name is Lilian I saw your profile today,
and my heart told me I have fined a good man that will
love me the way I am, please try and write to me back with
your mail id so that I can send my pictures to you,
here is my mail id( Please don’t say no to me,
I will be great full if you can send me E-mail to my mail box so that i will tell you more about me,just feel free to contact me at my private mail address
Hope to hear from you soon,
have a nice day and
stay blessed.

13 years ago
Como você está hoje
Espero que cada coisa é OK com você e sua família, pois é meu seu prazer meu grande contactyou em ter comunicação com você a partir de hoje,
( )
Miss Florence
How are you today
I hope that every things is OK with you and your family as it is my its my great pleasure to contactyou in having communication with you starting from today,
( )
Miss Florence
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