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Último inicio de sesión: 12 years ago
Themero desde: 13 years ago
Genero: Femenino
Edad: 33

Anonymous Identity

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Relación: Soltero
Modelo de Movil: Iphone4Gs, E71
Ocupación: student
Escuela: unv
Me gusta: chris, n my twinie
Odio: other girls that love chris
Música Favorita: hipHop, RnB, ballad, POP
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my name is A$h£ey but U can call Me Ke££y. ;)

Mi libro de visitas (68) Firmar libro de visitas

12 years ago
Oh what joy it is to have a friend like you For giving me strength the way you do... For lifting me up when I'm feeling down And putting a smile on my face when I'm wearing a frown... Thanks for being there and helping me grow Your friendship means a lot this I'd like you to know...!!! Happy Friendship Day My Dear Friend...!!! ">http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ESBpOteBXQw/TFKaG4q_a_I/AAAAAAAADWM/oE6FvxaYx3k/s1600/friends3.bmp" border="0"/> ">http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-68U3rQaDP8o/TgH_Z8ct_4I/AAAAAAAADlo/6Df7pLJCdfw/s400/Friendship%2Bday%2Borkut%2Bimages%2Bscraps%2Btwo%2Byoung%2Bfriend%2Bcute%2Bkids%2Bpoem.jpg" border="0"/> ">http://graphics.comments.funmunch.com/holidays/friendship-day/friendship-day-comments-057.jpg" border="0"/>
12 years ago
When we're sad, They comfort us. When we're sick, They care for us. When we misbehaves, They discipline us. B'coz they love us... When we need help, They help us. When we lose faith, They help us regain it. When we need forgiveness, They forgive us. B'coz they love us... When we're cold, They give us shelter. When we need help with our homework, They help us the best way they can. When we're lost, They will come and find us. B'coz they love us... They are our Parents who are always there for us... Happy Parents Day...!!! ">http://www.scusd.edu/AdultEducation/Program/PublishingImages/j0400239.jpg" border="0"/>
12 years ago
<img src="">http://img1.funscrape.com/en/iloveyou/1.gif"" border="0"/> .

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<img src="http://img1.funscrape.com/en/iloveyou/32.gif" " border="0"/>

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12 years ago
<img src="">http://img1.funscrape.com/en/iloveyou/1.gif"" border="0"/> .

<img src="img/emoticons/26.gif" border="0"/>

<img src="http://img1.funscrape.com/en/iloveyou/7.gif" " border="0"/>

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