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Lần đăng nhập cuối cùng: 16 years ago
bắt đầu làm thành viên từ: 16 years ago
quốc tịch: Cagayan de Oro
giới tính: nam
Tuổi: 42

Anonymous Identity

Bản thân tôi

Quan hệ: bí mật
Đời máy: nokia 7370, sony ericsson z800, and moto razr v3x
Mạng di động: Globe
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rockwell: How 'bout now, big boy? Do you still wish to penetrate me? Or is it I...who has penetrated you?

OwnSkin In-A-Box

về bản thân tôi

so where does one begin?

I am somewhat shy in the beginning. one i get to know you watch out! i can have a sharp and sarcastic sense of humor. it can be abit on the dark side...

I am told that i can be funny and quick witted... i tend to have an outgoing personality...this usually occurs once i get to know someone..

(damn! sounds like job interview)

until i get to know someone i can be misunderstood as being aloof. this is not intention--
unless of course you are an ass and you deserveit...

i am looking to meet other guys to hang out with. I am fairly easy going non judgemental kind of guy who wants to enjoy life.

I am who i am and that is the ways it is. sure i wish i had the Adonis body or the boyish good looks but my gene pool was actually more like pond.

Sure i've cried over it! just kidding i didn't...

Okay...Just Kidding!:) Okay maybe just a little...heheheh...

I hope you find what an or whom you are looking for. We are all here for a short time might as well enjoy it...

No Expexctations=No Disappointments...

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